Stop trying to calm the storm, calm yourself, and the Corona storm will pass
Globally, we’ve got about 95,000 dead from influenza so far this year, and we have 4,300 from corona. So, which should you be worried about: the common seasonal influenza or Corona? It’s not a trick question. Right now, it looks like we are dealing with a potential pandemic combined with a global collective fear event. I can totally understand why many people were alarmed when WHO earlier in March announced that COVID-19 had killed 3,4 percent of the people who have caught it so far - a mortality rate far higher than not only the seasonal flu, but also higher than earlier COVID-19 mortality estimates, which were around 2,0 percent. But if we look at at data from countries with robust testing systems it does support the idea that the disease’s mortality rate may be lower than 3,4 percent. Countries that have tested significant numbers of people are generally reporting lower mortality rates than those that have tested in far lower numbers and with a stronger focus on severe...