
Exciting News: New Role as Project Manager for InVästmanland!

I’m thrilled to share that on March 1st, I will be starting a new and exciting role as Project Manager for InVästmanland at Region Västmanland! Working with regional development, investment promotion, and business growth has always been a passion of mine. Over the years, I have gained extensive experience in business development, sustainability, and strategic collaborations across the private and public sectors, as well as in academia and politics. Now, I am excited to apply that expertise to strengthen Västmanland’s attractiveness and competitiveness as a prime location for business establishments and investments. InVästmanland is an initiative designed to enhance the conditions for business expansion and investments in the region through collaboration between municipalities, the regional government, the private sector, and other stakeholders. My role will be to lead the project, develop strategies and tools, and establish long-term partnerships to make Västmanland an even stronger hu...

Time to come together in support, compassion, and unity.

I am deeply shocked and saddened by the tragic school shooting in Örebro today. No student, teacher, or family should ever have to endure such a horrific event. My heartfelt condolences go out to the families and friends who have lost their loved ones, and my thoughts are with all those affected by this senseless act of violence. At a time like this, it is more important than ever that we come together in support, compassion, and unity. Jag är djupt chockad och bedrövad över den tragiska skolskjutningen i Örebro idag. Ingen elev, lärare eller familj ska någonsin behöva uppleva en sådan fruktansvärd händelse. Mina djupaste kondoleanser går till familjerna och vännerna som har förlorat sina nära och kära, och mina tankar är hos alla som drabbats av denna meningslösa våldshandling. I en tid som denna är det viktigare än någonsin att vi sluter oss samman i stöd, medkänsla och enighet. Mathias Knutsson

A Lost Resource - Age Discrimination in the Swedish Labor Market

Swedish Aged 50+ among the best in the world – but still marginalized Swedes over 50 years of age rank among the best globally in education and lifelong learning. According to OECD’s adult skills survey ( Piaac ), Sweden ranks third worldwide, and for the 55+ age group, Sweden leads the pack . These individuals thrive in environments that value lifelong learning and skill-based workplaces. Yet, despite this, older workers face significant challenges in the labor market, with age discrimination on the rise. A labor market that excludes experience In Sweden, the likelihood of being called for a job interview decreases as early as age 40. Research from Linnaeus University shows that older job seekers receive fewer responses to applications, with almost no callbacks for those over 60. This trend starkly contrasts with countries like Denmark, where older workers are twice as likely to land jobs. Globally, Sweden is among the nations with the least respect for older people. A tale of t...

En förlorad resurs - tankar om åldersdiskriminering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Svenskar 50+ i världstopp – men ändå bortvalda Svenskar över 50 år presterar i världsklass när det gäller kunskap och utbildning. Enligt OECD:s vuxenstudie, Piaac , rankas S verige som tredje bäst i världen – och för åldersgruppen 55+ är Sverige till och med bäst. Dessa individer utmärker sig genom livslångt lärande och en stark kompetensorientering på arbetsplatser. Trots detta möter erfarna arbetstagare stora hinder på arbetsmarknaden, där åldersdiskriminering är ett stort och växande problem. En arbetsmarknad som exkluderar erfarenhet I Sverige börjar chansen att bli kallad till anställningsintervju sjunka redan i 40-årsåldern. Enligt forskning från Linnéuniversitetet blir sannolikheten att få svar på en ansökan allt mindre med stigande ålder , och för arbetssökande över 60 år är det nästan obefintligt. Detta står i skarp kontrast till exempelvis Danmark, där äldre har dubbelt så stor chans att få jobb. Sverige utmärker sig negativt som ett av de länder i världen där respekten för ...

The Importance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day

- How do we confront this rising tide of hatred? Today, January 27, marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time to honour the six million Jews and millions of other innocent victims murdered during the Holocaust. It is also a day to reaffirm our collective responsibility to confront antisemitism, racism, and hatred in all its forms—a responsibility that feels more urgent than ever. In today’s Svenska Dagbladet , a deeply moving column reminds us of the long shadow cast by the Holocaust and its devastating, enduring impact on families. Stories of survival, loss, and resilience illustrate the stark reality of how hatred eroded the vibrant Jewish communities of Central Europe. These stories also serve as a mirror to the challenges we face today, 80 years after Auschwitz was liberated. What should deeply concern us all is the rise of antisemitism in Sweden and across Europe. The statistics are alarming: antisemitic hate crimes in Sweden have surged by 450 per cent in the wake ...

Thirty Years in the EU: Time for Sweden to Embrace our Role within the EU

Yesterday marked exactly thirty years since the historic 1994 referendum when Swedes made the monumental choice to join the European Union. Three decades ago, we voted to step out of isolation and into a new era of cooperation and shared responsibility. Those of us who supported membership saw it as a leap forward—an opportunity to help shape Europe’s future alongside our neighbors. But even now, after three decades, a certain reluctance remains among many Swedes to fully embrace a European identity or to take an active, progressive role within the EU. The Reluctance to Identify as European  Sweden’s hesitation towards EU involvement stems from several complex historical and cultural factors. As a country with a long-standing tradition of neutrality, Swedes have often viewed themselves as outsiders in European politics. Our neutrality was a point of pride, a statement of independence that preserved our voice and identity on the world stage. But this mindset can also lead to a sense...

The beginning of an amazing journey ahead...

So incredibly proud to announce that my daughter Emma has graduated from high school as the valedictorian of her class! She has been a straight A student throughout her studies and has been awarded a scholarship for her outstanding academic achievements. Emma, your hard work and dedication have truly paid off, and I couldn’t be prouder of you. A special shoutout to her amazing stepmother, Diana, who has been the perfect mother figure and an incredible support system for Emma. I would also like to thank my parents in law, Elisabeth and Christer, for always being there for me, Diana and the children. We are all so thrilled to see what the future holds for you, Emma. Here’s to the beginning of an amazing journey ahead! #ProudParent #TopOfHerClass #FutureIsBright #amazingstepmom Mathias Knutsson

Embracing Failure: The Pathway to True Success

"Show me a person who has never failed, and I will show you a failure of a person. What we learn from failure, and what we do with that knowledge, is what matters –– and it's what makes us who we are." Mike Bloomberg, May 2019 This statement is a profound reminder that the essence of personal growth and success lies not in the absence of failure, but in our response to it. In a society that often glorifies success and shuns failure, it’s crucial to recognize that the two are not mutually exclusive. Instead, failure is a necessary precursor to success, offering invaluable lessons that shape our character and abilities. Failure, often perceived as a setback, is actually a powerful teacher. It strips away pretense and exposes our vulnerabilities, revealing areas that need improvement. This process is not just beneficial but essential for growth. When we fail, we are given the opportunity to reflect, analyze, and adapt. These moments of introspection foster resilience, innova...